14 July 2014

Let's get real

So it's almost been two whole months since my last post, and you might be wondering where I've been. It's easy for me to say that I've been too lazy, too busy or have no motivation/ideas for a new blog post. At times these have been true but deep down I know the true reason why.

I really don't know if I should keep this blog up, because I am still getting views every now and then and the posts I have written might be useful to people in the future, however I don't think I will be writing as often as a normal blogger should.

So here's the deal. I am really insecure with my body and sometimes my face too, because let's face it, I don't have a size zero body and for me, to be a respected beauty/fashion blogger you must have this certain quality. I can sit here and easily write review after review with hauls every now and then but there are days that I want to post up fashion and I am completely terrified to take pictures let alone upload them on here.
It's a struggle I've been going through for a long time - my whole life I haven't been skinny, and there have been times where I was at a good stage and relatively happy with my body and times where I'm at a bad stage where I can barely look at myself. Right now I'm at a bad stage. I find it really difficult to resist tempting foods and to keep up with exercise as well as cut back on eating out.
I really don't want to be called attention seeking or to receive people's positivity or optimism or whatever (although it is nice), I simply just needed to put it out there and maybe I can retain some form of motivation from this post.

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